Monday, August 18, 2008

Summer Games

We had some beautiful weather here on the East Coast this weekend. Which gave us a reason to spend more time outdoors. (my favorite) For my Bfs birthday his sister gave him a game called Ladder Golf (or Lawn Golf). I've seen this game a lot down at numerous shore houses this summer but never got into playing. Well Friday night some friends came over the house and since the weather was so beautiful we picked teams and decided to play. Needless to say I need PRACTICE big time, the game is really fun! So I guess you know where I'll be if you don't see my posting for awhile. LOL. (Oh, a few cocktails while playing doesn't hurt either... :)) What are some of your favorite Outdoor Summer Games?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Grillin it UP!

Since its such a beautiful boyfriend and I decided we are going to Grill tonight after we hit the gym. This is usually an event...we get the radio and some chairs and sit out back! Its actually one of my favorite things to do! We grill up an assortment of meat, anywhere from Chicken to burgers(chicken burgers mmmmm), London Broil, Rib Eye and Shrimp. Most of this food goes into storage containers when we are finished. (for lunch the rest of the week or to go on a salad) I'm looking for a really good "side" to go with our delicious grilled food. Can anyone offer up some suggestions? If you could provide a recipe that would be wonderful! :)

Bring it on AGAIN...

After I got done the gym, making dinner and cleaning up last night(whoosh)...I found myself exhausted. So I plopped down on the couch and started flipping through the channels. (this is rare for me..I never watch TV) I came across the movie, "BRING IT ON AGAIN!" Being a Cheerleader for 8+yrs I continued watching. I love Cheerleading...especially competition cheering. I helped choregraph routines with my girlfriend who coached a squad. Its just exciting to me.

This movie however...was unbelieveable! I could not believe the way some of the girls were treated. It was so unrealistic to me. I do recall that there was one or two *$tches in HS who were mean to certain girls (boss them around, etc) but not to this extent. (telling them which boys to date/who to hang out with, etc) It made me laugh it was so unrealistic. Has anyone ever seen this movie? If so, was it like this when you went to school? So caddy.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Friday Surprise!!

So I'm going about my daily routine at work. You know, run of the mill Friday stuff..filing, finishing outlines, sending reports etc. Needless to say, it was the week from *ell! Nothing was going my way and I was anxious for Friday to finally be here! When all of a sudden, I get an unexpected visitor, a face I see everyday but not in my work environment. It was my sweet boyfriend with a dozen of these beauties. He's is seriously the sweetest thing ever --he said just to cheer you up. Awwww... I'm so lucky! xo

So I'm curious...What are some of things you've been surprised with in your life(other than flowers) from someone you care about?

Friday, August 8, 2008


The Prep-E Girl Tagged me! So here it goes...

8 Things I want to accomplish before I die

1. Get married and have a family
2. Buy a House...(preferrably one with a big back yard and wrap around porch)
3. Be Debt - Free (haha...I can wish)
4. Buy a Shore house!
5. See my parents Happy where they want to be.
6. VEGAS & Cali
7. Learn to play the Guitar
8. Become a Manager!

I tag my new friend...:*why, hello darling!*:. to tell 8 things she wishes to accomplish before she dies. :)

Another FABULOUS Giveaway!

Check out this Designer Purse Giveaway! Elliot Lucca Hobo!!

Let them know Beachgrl79 sent ya! :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Oooo I LOVE THIS Giveaway!

I LOVE HOT PINK! Get over to Eat, Drink, Sleep, Preppy for this week's give away. This too cute for words Monogrammed Lunch Bag is right up my alley.(shown below in powder blue) Its available in Hot Pink, Blue and Black. Super Cute! While you're there please comment that Beachgrl79 sent ya! Thanks...Good Luck

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Show me the (BLOG) $$!!

I need some insight here. Being that I'm new to the "blogging world", I'm somewhat ignorant on how added benefits could be really beneficial to include on a blog! These days everyone could use a little extra income - I hope someone out there can shed some light on how I could earn some dough from my blog? I see these pay-able ads you can sign up for but I'm not really sure how that all works etc? Are there other add-ons you can put on your blog to earn some extra cash? I'd love to add something like this to my site but I don't want to go into it blind. Any help would be awesome! Thanks! :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

A Girls Best Friend

How many times have you been running out of the house with that new black or dark top on and skkkrrreeechhh you stop dead in your tracks bc you have big white marks all down the front from deodorant! Annoying right? Of course a little water and some elbow could do the trick but then your left with a big wet spot! Yuck.

While I was on my daily web search, I stumbled upon these nifty reusable sponges. I just had to share my fantastic find! The best Water required! I'm definitely purchasing one of these babies. :)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

This Site is SOOOO Me!

Happy Weekend Everyone!

My sister sent me this site today and I spent a good hour skimming the pages. Great clothes...affordable prices. I smell TROUBLE!! LOL
Happy Shopping!

This Dress is sooo Cute!

Friday, August 1, 2008

20 Ways to make someone SMILE :)

LIFE IS TOO SHORT....not to! Granted I know everyone has a bad day here and there (we all do) but the fool-proof way to get through it is to SMILE and know that everything will be OK. You are strong and you have worth but most of all - we're all special in our own way!
The best thing you could give someone is a reason to Smile. I usually make a To Do list at the start of each day and one of the listed items is to SMILE & make someone else SMILE.

Here are 20 Ways to Make Someone SMILE! :)

1. Send some flowers to your partner at work.
2. Compliment a friend or work colleague on their appearance.
3. Donate something to charity.
4. Take a friend out to lunch.
5. Let someone know you miss them.
6. Make a surprise telephone call to your partner at work, just to say hi.
7. Hold a door open for someone walking behind you.
8. Hug your partner for no reason.
9. Leave a joke on a friends answer machine.
10. Send a card to a friend letting them know what a good friend they are.
11. Give up your seat on the train to someone when there aren't any left.
12. Share your umbrella on a rainy day.
13. Ask a friend if they need anything while you're out shopping.
14. When it's raining, plan an indoor picnic with a friend or significant other.
15. Leave a love letter somewhere where your partner will find it.
16. Send someone an unusual and unexpected gift : like chocolate, flowers or a creative item.
17. Tell your love one you're proud of them.
18. Tell someone you thought about them all day.
19. Cook a surprise meal for your partner one night, especially if they normally do the cooking.
20. Tell your partner you love them with all your heart.
Did you know it takes only 17 muscles to smile, but 43 to frown. Why waste all that energy frowning when you could just smile.
Just remember, smiling is the easiest and cheapest way of improving your looks.

Pssst. SMILE ...PASS IT ON! :)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Adorable Stuff for UNBELIEVEABLE Prices!!!

Whether your looking for an Adorable Gift,
Personalized item, Invitations, Party Planning Favors, etc. you'll find it at
Here are some of my favorite Items
(there's just too many to list!)....

FYI: They are currently have a great sale, click here to go directly to the SALE page
Happy Shopping!


Head over to and send a comment to register for this fabulous GIVEAWAY! Who couldn't use a cute bag like this one!!

PS. If possible please tell them that Prep-E Girl sent you when you register for the GIVEAWAY. PREP-E Girl told me about the giveaway and I would love for her to win something fun too! <3>

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cheap, Fun - Saying Teeshirts!

I'm infatuated with Fun Tee shirts that have sayings on them. Nothing rude, or crude but just plain fun. I think it says a lot about a person who can wear a tee shirt that has a crazy saying on it. (just be sure it shows your TRUE character) You don't want to give anyone the wrong idea! Does anyone know of any good stores that sell these tee shirts? I know they're online but didn't know if they had any actual stores I could visit. :) Please send me your favorite "saying" tee shirt if you have one! Here's a few of mine...

PS. Thanks to Prep-E Girl for letting me steal her Wish List Idea! :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I'm a big believer in the power of words, there meaning, and how they can make a person feel. Some of my favorites come from a wonderful woman, Mya Angelou. You never know who you could touch with a few small words...
Please feel free to send me some of your favorites.

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou

I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.
Maya Angelou

Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told: ''I'm with you kid. Let's go.''
Maya Angelou

While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also God's creation.
Maya Angelou

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning.
Maya Angelou

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt

Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul. Democritus

Love with your whole heart - Anonymous

Found Two! :)

I'm on a mad search for two really nice pieces of Art for my apartment! My living room is mainly black with white walls. I was initially thinking something with alittle color? Like Red, Black and White make it pop. But then I found these two images ....Thoughts???

Monday, July 28, 2008

Six Words...

Six words...
My PREPPY FRIEND @ has tagged me to tell you six words that describe me. Right. At. This. Moment.
1. Silly. I keep thinking about fun things I could be doing instead of working! YIKES...
2. Worried. Alot of things going on in and around me. I'm worried about others I love!
3. Anxious. Again alot of things going on around me...I'm anxious for something good to happen to me!
4. Hungry. Is it lunch time yet?
5. LOVED. Spent the whole weekend with my hunny <3 xo.
6. Tired. Didn't get much sleep last night...and had some weird nightmares... :(

All in All - July 28th

All in All it was a pretty good weekend! Friday night went out to meet a few friends for Happy Hour and did the weekend routine Saturday afternoon, went to see Dark Knight! A MUST SEE (Heath Ledger was incredible)...Sunday we ventured to the Philadelphia Art Museum. That place is amazing. I literally believe it takes more than half a day to get through the entire museum. (viewing all exhibits/video rooms, etc) I haven't been there in so long that I forgot how many wonderful pieces of art exist there. One that really caught my eye was called, "Jesus Performing Prayers" I can't remember for the life of me who it was by. I know..pathedic. I'm looking for some art for my apartment and need some help. My decor is very simple...any suggestions?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday, July 25th - A Little Life!

I woke up this morning and immediately thought about my nephew...

I just spent the last few days in Charlotte, NC visiting my sister, brother-in-law, and godson - Thomas. Thomas is 16months old and just the cutest thing ever. I cannot believe how big he has gotten! He is like a little man. He runs around and plays without a care in the world.

At that age the only thing you really know is your mommy/daddy and your favorite toy, of course. You see them everyday and you depend on them to get you through the day. So needless to say he didn't know me from Adam when I first arrived. The last time I saw him was March for his 1st Birthday so it took alittle time for him to warm up to me. Once he did get used to me everything was like peanut butter and jelly. :) He has his own little personality and he knows how to use it. I must have melted about 60 times a day at his little facial expressions and the way he tried to say short words. Its really amazing how time flies.

I was fortunate enough to take Thomas to the Columbia Zoo for the first time! The trip went very well and Thomas really loved seeing all of his favorite animals, especially the Monkeys and the Giraffe. :)

Its amazing how one little life can make a difference in your own. Just being around Thomas for 6 days has made me view life in a totally different way! XOXOXOX

So I decided to give Blogging a shot...

Good Morning...
So I decided to give this blogging thing a shot. Call me CRAZY but it seems like a good way to keep people up to date on the happenings of my life. :) I'm kinda excited that this door has been open! Thanks Er. I'm really looking forward to this new experience.