Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cheap, Fun - Saying Teeshirts!

I'm infatuated with Fun Tee shirts that have sayings on them. Nothing rude, or crude but just plain fun. I think it says a lot about a person who can wear a tee shirt that has a crazy saying on it. (just be sure it shows your TRUE character) You don't want to give anyone the wrong idea! Does anyone know of any good stores that sell these tee shirts? I know they're online but didn't know if they had any actual stores I could visit. :) Please send me your favorite "saying" tee shirt if you have one! Here's a few of mine...

PS. Thanks to Prep-E Girl for letting me steal her Wish List Idea! :)


Erin said...

Palmer Cash's online site has a lot of funny shirts!


Britt said...

welcome to the blogging world!
I love the Hello Kitty shirts you posted. Unfortunately, I have young features so whenever I wear shirts like that, I look like I'm 16 (I'll be 23 in Sept.). But they're cute none the less!

Kate said...

Cute shirts!